Ask us.
If you have questions, we’ll find the answers.
One of the Library’s goals is to help you find the information you need in the most efficient way possible. Whether your question is about fact or fiction, your neighbourhood or the global village, ancient history or current events, we’ll help you find the answer using all the resources we have or we’ll refer you to the person who does have the answer.
Begin your quest for knowledge by contacting the Library
Centre for Equitable Library Access Collection (CELA)
Access to the CELA collection is available to people who are unable to read conventional print due to a disability, which includes:
- Learning disability: an impairment relating to comprehension
- Physical disability: the inability to hold or manipulate a book
- Visual disability: severe or total impairment of sight or the inability to focus or move one's eyes
How to sign up for CELA
Contact the Library to begin the registration process for access to CELA services. Access to the collection is offered in a number of ways:
- Download books to your computer or mobile device, such as an iPhone
- Download books to a DAISY player over a wireless connection without using a computer
- Receive audio CDs, Braille or described movies through your local branch or by mail directly to your home
The CELA website can be found at:
Interlibrary Loans
The Library is part of the province-wide interlibrary loan system delivered for low cost by Canada Post.
Your access to information extends far beyond the walls of our two Library branches. We offer patrons an interlibrary loan system that includes public and academic libraries, and provincial and national archives.
We would like to remind patrons of some interlibrary loan parameters:
- maximum of 5 interlibrary loan requests at one time
- $5 charge for any interloans borrowed but not picked up
- due dates on interlibrary loan items cannot be renewed